Swollen Ankles and NITEWORKS
Herbalife Distributor who is a Doctor by profession has a new happy customer.
This lady had swollen ankles for years and it was very painful for her to walk. She walked very slowly as a result of it. Mike (the doctor) put her on weight loss and NITEWORKS, explaining that she needed to "unclog" her arteries. She said it was exactly what doctors were telling her for years.....
After A WEEK on NITEWORKS and weight loss program, she is now able to walk faster and can "exercise" her feet with circular motion. Before it was impossible when her ankles were swollen and painful. NITEWORKS did it again! Teresa Mercier
Teresa & Wayne Mercier - Middletown, CT, USA
This lady had swollen ankles for years and it was very painful for her to walk. She walked very slowly as a result of it. Mike (the doctor) put her on weight loss and NITEWORKS, explaining that she needed to "unclog" her arteries. She said it was exactly what doctors were telling her for years.....
After A WEEK on NITEWORKS and weight loss program, she is now able to walk faster and can "exercise" her feet with circular motion. Before it was impossible when her ankles were swollen and painful. NITEWORKS did it again! Teresa Mercier
Teresa & Wayne Mercier - Middletown, CT, USA
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